

Knowing what or how to pack is essential in achieving a successful road trip. How you plan to pack should be guided by the kind of trip you intend to undertake on a Uganda safari. By understanding the nature of your trip, you can be in position to know the quantity of items to pack and size of suitcase to carry.

Whether you intend to spend a month or a week/two weeks in Uganda, first your packing list must comprise of essentials. This can help you know how you can fit everything in one small suitcase. The beauty about having all your items packed in one small suitcase is that it reduces risks of your luggage getting lost, especially on arrivals.

Packing for a two week Uganda Road trip with only one small suitcase requires strategic planning. Here’s a suggested list of essentials to consider.

Consider the right luggage first 

There are plenty of bags one can choose but you need something that is easier to roll/carry or that can accommodate your items. A suitable rolling suitcase that is lightweight and hard should be your first choice. Always be mindful of durability of the suitcase and the size/weight should be within the airline’s carry-on size limits/standards.

Always consider essentials 

When packing for a road trip in Uganda, essentials should come first. Not everything is needed on a vacation and this is one reason you should sit down to choose the items to carry. This should be guided by the nature of activities you intend to engage while in Uganda. 

Choose wisely the kind of clothes to wear. If for instance you plan to visit Uganda for gorilla trekking, the recommended clothes to carry include long-sleeved shirts, a sweater, long trousers, rain jacket, and a pair of socks. When choosing what to wear on gorilla trekking adventure, the priority should be the environmentally friendly clothes. Always avoid shouting colors from your packing list and get something that fits or that you are comfortable with.

 Essentials for your flight – There are some items that shouldn’t be left out of your packing list. Before you board the plane, have some compression snacks, lip balm, sanitizing wipes, e-reader, phone charger, entertainment options (like magazines, books, tech devices, movies, podcast), scarfs, filtered bottled water, hand lotion, valid passport and others. 

Toiletries – Do not forget to carry some toiletries, especially deodorant, feminine hygiene, products, lip balm for the dry air, toothbrush, soap, conditioner, contact lenses and fluid.

Wildlife in Uganda, Africa

Pack according to weights 

When packing, you can begin the first layer with bulky items like sweaters placed at the bottom. Then followed by long sleeved clothes, and any extra fabric flowing over the sides. Be cautious on the items you pack so as not to exceed the airline’s weight limits otherwise, authorities may force you to reduce on the weight of the luggage.

Consider packing cubes 

If you intend to go on long road trip in Uganda like a 2-week trip, packing cubes could be of great significance. Packing cubes are usually up to the task when it comes to long trips. They come with compartments thus helping you to save space and have essential items comprised or covered into one small suitcase. 

Leave space for shopping 

Do not make your suitcase completely full because there is plenty to purchase on your road trip in Uganda. You will have a chance to visit some of the gift shops to purchase some souvenirs. 

Be aware of the weather conditions of where you intend to visit

Weather conditions vary from region to region in Uganda and how you pack may not be the same. If you plan to go to Bwindi National Park or Mgahinga Gorilla National Park to trek mountain gorillas, then be prepared to carry a sweater, a rain jacket. These protected areas are situated in Southwestern part of Uganda and experience tropical kind of climatic conditions. While here, rains can begin at any time of the day and you can be saved by your waterproof rain jacket. In the evening or morning when it is cold, a sweater should be readily available. 

Plan out your outfits ahead of time 

Do not wait till last minute to have everything put together. Ensure your desired outfits are secured early enough and depending on the nature of your trip, find something that blends with environment, especially if you plan to have your holiday in one of the protected areas in Uganda. 

Invest in a quality carry-on bag that can accommodate all your luggage 

Do not just pick any bag for you to carry your items. Spare sometime to search for high quality bag which won’t make you incur extra cost on purchasing another one when it gets torn. Before embarking on actual road trip, do not forget to reach out to your local tour operator for guidance on what to pack and not to carry. And please remember to check the weather forecast before your Uganda self drive road trip and adjust your packing list accordingly. You may also consider packing clothes that can be easily mixed and matched to create multiple outfits. With that, safe travel!

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